Setting up White Label for a social networks sharing

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  < 1  min.

We updated White Label configuration options, and now you can create templates of metatags for pages with search results. Metatags all used to be the same, since all pages were closed to search engines for web indexing. Identical metatags were an inconvenience when it came to sharing some pages in social networks. Now this trouble is in the past.


How to Set Up

In the past, setup was available only for the front page. Thanks to the new opportunities, you can set up metatags such as title, keywords, and description for the following pages:

  • Frontpage;
  • Flights SERP;
  • Hotels SERP;
  • Hotel page.

After setup is done, sharing a post in Facebook will look like this:

Share on Facebook

If necessary, metatags can be set up for different languages. To do this, add the languages in the general White Label settings and insert the required code in all language blocks.

You can find a detailed instruction in our knowledgebase.

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