Travelpayouts Affiliate Summit 2018

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  < 1  min.

On September 29, 2018, Travelpayouts will host the second annual Travelpayouts Affiliate Summit in Moscow. The Travelpayouts Affiliate Summit is the place where affiliates and offer representatives meet. Participants will have multiply lectures, plus master classes and endless networking.

Travelpayouts Affiliate Summit 2018

Travelpayouts Affiliate Summit

Approximately 150 people attended this event last year. We expect to double that figure this year! At the summit, we will talk about the current travel-market trends, share best practices and discuss topics related to affiliate marketing. The best materials, of course, will be translated into English and shared with you this autumn.

Although the event itself is in Russian, we will be glad to see each of you in Moscow. Please contact us in advance if you are interested in joining us for TPAS 2018. The event will feature key people from the company, as well as representatives of popular offers. Watch the last year aftermovie:

[youtube v=”uzCkm1HL_Sc”]

We plan to participate in international conferences in the autumn as well. Stay in touch with us, and we will be sure to keep you updated.

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