Micro Niche sites — travel blog ideas

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  7  min.

Successful affiliate website ideas aren’t simple to come up with. If you build yet another website similar to all the others, you’ll feel how intense the competitiveness is in the field. You have to find a profitable niche for affiliate marketing that you know about and that has a level of competitiveness that will allow you to earn money. Yes, titles like “SEO Is Dead,” “Micro-Niche Sites Are Dead,” and “It Happens Every Year” are constantly popping up on forums. However, the truth is that plenty of people are still making a good income from micro-niche ideas and sites via affiliate programs and Google AdSense.

Micro Niche sites — travel blog ideas

We at Travelpayouts have collected some travel and tourism blog ideas that will help you develop your successful affiliate project all on one page.

You can get a great share of experience and good income from travel micro-niche sites. With a micro-niche, you still receive good traffic without facing high competition. You could target small travel spots in popular holidays countries or different subjects around a bigger niche.

You could go with sports tourism, historical tourism, travel by car or other ways of traveling that are popular in certain social circles: mountaineering, rafting, eco-tourism, gastronomic tourism, backpacking, drug lover’s travel, sex tourism, safari trips, and so on.

You could also try to come up with unique affiliate website ideas. I have witnessed good conversion rates at one of my competitors in the hotel affiliate program. He was targeting Turkish hotels in Antalya. After some time, I found that he had been exceptionally targeting and advertising non-Russian hotels. It hurt me a bit as a Russian, but on the other hand, I was once again surprised at how thinking outside the box can help you in internet marketing.

Affiliate Travel Niche Ideas: What You Should Know

  • Your visitors are your top priority. They will increase your conversion rates, and you can attract long-term readers and subscribers with the proper articles.
  • There is less competition and quality blogs, so you can rank faster with fewer resources and investments.
  • You have plenty of long-tail keywords to target; it’s much simpler to find low-competition keywords.
  • You will find many sites open for guest posting where you can receive good backlinks from people within the same niche.
  • You can make extra money by partnering with local companies and offering ad placement.
  • You are unlikely to get rich if you have only one site, but you can easily make a couple grand from a single site.

There are plenty of ways to make money from travel blogging, but with micro-niche travel sites, your goal can be achieved in little time. Micro-niche blogging allows you to make up to $100 per day easily.

Affiliate Website Ideas: The Way to Success with a Travel Blog

  1. Spend some time choosing the proper niche and travel blog ideas for your upcoming site. It is better to write about something you know well than something you know little about. Try to choose a topic that is popular in your targeted language. If it is English, consider English-speaking countries, such as the US, the UK, Canada, or Australia.
  2. Do proper keyword research. If you don’t know how to do so, read our article on this topic.
  3. Build a micro-niche website once you gather enough knowledge on to how to create a blog on WordPress. With such knowledge, starting travel blog won’t be too difficult of a task.

As many of you know, our main office is located in Thailand. If we’re talking about micro-niches here, I would think about less-popular travel spots and attractions, such as sex tourism, rafting, hiking, health vacations, and biking in Thailand.

I have done deep keyword research and found out that you can use practically all of these niches for your micro-niche blog. You can combine these three small ideas into one blog for more traffic. Let me show you a couple of keywords.

Micro niche site ideas – the way to success with a travel blog

How to Validate a Niche

Checking the competition for a micro niche is the first step. To do so, focus on keyword research and analyze their usefulness.


First, analyze keywords. Keep in mind that they may vary in accordance with the country or countries you’re targeting. The keywords you employ must have a good monthly search rate. The more frequently they’re requested, the more traffic you’ll get, and the more lively your blog will be.

Entire websites aren’t ranked by search systems. Rather, single web pages and a variety of keywords are. Therefore, intersperse the different pages of your blog with different sets of keywords.


The fact remains that traffic grows most significantly when people can find answers to their particular problems. They are then motivated to share the content, and thus, the traffic grows. It’s as simple as that. Take an issue in the niche, come up with the best way possible to solve it, and provide readers with your solution.

Competitor Analysis

When checking out how your competitors lead their affiliate programs, there are a few particular things to pay special attention to:

  • Titles
  • Keywords
  • Target Audience
  • Page Rankings

Analyzing each and try to create a dedicated database so that you have expectations and know what new things to come up with. The efficiency of each competitor’s item is also a great tip for the direction you need to go in to reach that efficiency.

How to Find a Profitable Niche for Affiliate Marketing

All in all, there are many to choose from. Ambitious and profitable niche markets are waiting to be covered by your solid digital ads. Here is a list of profitable niches to set you in a cost-effective, resultative direction and give you an idea of what type of affiliate areas are the best to get a hold of initially.


One of the most convenient ways to travel around the globe is by bicycle. It might seem like a pretty used up niche, but there is still much to cover. Bike-related topics are aplenty, and many enthusiasts are searching for biking information online every day.

You can join the BikesBooking affiliate program to earn on the rental of bikes and other two-wheeled transport rentals around the world.


“What a corny niche!” you might say. However, it is extensively occupied by businesses and always in demand. I’d recommend keeping it in mind because there are still no perfect location services while the need for one is constantly there.

You can earn here on the ground transportation—people have to ride. At Travelpayouts, we have a set of ground transportation affiliate programs available, Find them in your account.


Travelers are usually people open to original ideas and ways of life. Many tourists will enjoy a resource that explains the intricacies of the DIY traveling. It could describe how to explore the world using only your reasonable resources.

DIY travel a broad topic, and you could help millions of people who are planning their travels. You could also help them manage their travels by, for example, offering to find tickets to special events.


Many people prefer to travel on water. Travelers with their own boats must maintain the vehicles carefully and consistently. It is a “rich people–oriented” niche that can be covered with, for example, a boat expertise affiliate site.

Earn on boat trips with the cruises affiliate program.


Gear for rock-climbers is pretty expensive, and proper maintenance is important. It must be replaced once every two to four years, so the demand is practically constant.

Mountaineering is quite a risky activity, which means that you can sell insurance to your audience and earn on a commission.

Storm Chasing

Tornadoes are a very serious problem for many people on the planet. Many must leave their homes and move, but it’s a good thing when they do so quickly. A storm-chasing resource is in demand because it would be helpful in saving peoples’ lives.

Long Distance Calling Services

When traveling throughout the world, it can be difficult to adapt to the phone connection peculiarities of different countries. Sometimes, it’s very hard to understand how everything works, and the bills are always enormous. A resource for solving this painful issue would be a great travel-related affiliate website concept.

RV Enhancements

Those traveling in their own vehicles comprise a good share of practically any type of traveler. The fact that they can afford an RV of their own means a good profit from this niche. Active RV travelers would like greatly to improve their vehicles. This niche efficiently works for vacation blog ideas.


This niche isn’t exactly unoccupied, and it requires a larger budget than the others. However, the demand is huge. Every traveler out there probably dreams of getting a remote drone camera if they don’t already have one. Travelers cherish the memories of the places they’ve been more than ordinary people. That’s why they want drones to capture every moment from the most extraordinary perspective.

Cat Tourism

People love cats as well as all sorts of animals both in real life and online. That niche can be a great, profitable option for a unique affiliate site. However, on the internet, there is probably no such place where there are no cute kitten images. Try a completely different thing: the peculiar trend of tourism dedicated to the fluffy creatures.

This niche is ripe because not all people on the planet are cat people, but those who are are willing to go far and wide just to see and pet as many cats as possible—exotic, ordinary, and everything in between.

Whatever you have chosen, do not forget that you have to focus on the earnings. We have already written a guide about the differences between types of traffic for you to check out.

To get even more structured guidance on how to monetize you travel blog traffic, take free courses from Travelpayouts Academy.

How Much Traffic Does the Niche Have?

The simplest way to find out how much traffic a niche has is to analyze the frequency of related keyword searches. If the niche isn’t e-commerce or photography (which are brimming with competition and loads of unoriginal keywords), high rankings can only mean the demand for the niche and profitability.

Another way to find out is by checking if there are PPC-based, premium search results in the niche as rated by Google. If there are, there is some money to make there. There are also Semrush and Similarweb for analyzing the traffic numbers of websites in the interested area. That way, you can see the level of demand first-hand.

I chose Thailand as an example because it’s the country I currently live in. However, you can find plenty of micro-niches ideas elsewhere. Some websites will require only five to ten articles altogether—let’s say about 6,000–10,000 words per site—and very little work on SEO to rank for them. Combine SEO with the onsite optimization for a travel blog, and you should rank well in no time.

If you create a network of micro-niche sites around one destination or general subject, you can dominate the niche. Internet users are always having a hard time finding proper content in small niches. If you invest enough time in researching and writing top-notch content, success will come, and there are plenty of travel blog ideas to go with.

Overwhelmed? Don’t be! AI can handle research, SEO, and content creation