Posts with tag: tools (60 results )
10 min.
How to Use AI Content Generators as a Travel Blogger
Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, even in the travel industry. More and more bloggers are turning to AI content generators such as Jasper or Copy.AI to increase their affiliate income by creating unique and engaging articles. In this article, we review popular AI tools and share how to best use AI content generators for travel blogs.
5 min.
Why Affiliate Widgets are Worth Trying: In the Words of a Travelpayouts Partner   
Clive Muir, Travelpayouts partner and creator behind travel websites such as Ronda Today, Wildside Holidays and Camino del Rey, is sharing his experience with affiliate marketing and what he believes is the best way to work effectively with partner programs. In this article, Clive talks about why widgets are sometimes even better than affiliate links and gives practical pro tips on how to use widgets to earn on travel websites.
Overwhelmed? Don’t be! AI can handle research, SEO, and content creation