7 min.
How to Increase Trust Flow for Websites
Back in 1996, Page Rank (the Google’s backlink ranking algorithm) was the only tool available to measure the trust level of websites. It determined the page value on a scale of one to 10. Today, advancements in technology have brought ranking to a new level, and Page Rank significantly lost its popularity. There are over 200 Google ranking factors defining the site trust flow that is also called Domain Authority (DA) or Domain Rank (DR) on different services. Let’s have a look on the importance of trust flow and the tools claimed to improve DA. Share your opinion on how to increase trust flow, and get tips from experienced colleagues on Travel Affiliate Networks group on Facebook.
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6 min.
Keyword Research in Travel Niche
Maintaining the ability to do proper keyword research is one of the most important skills you should have if you are seriously considering making money from the internet. Yes, it is 100% possible to get traffic and make money without using social networks, search engine traffic (organic) and paid traffic or by running PPC campaigns. However, even if you don’t count search engine traffic as a main traffic source, you still need to know what people are looking for in your niche.
When I say proper keyword research, I mean that you find terms which are getting a good number of monthly searches and beatable competition. In this post I will explain how to conduct keyword research step by step, how to find low-competition keywords and how to search for terms that will attract your target audience.
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