13 min.
How To Become a Travel Blogger (and Get Paid)
In addition to being a fun hobby, traveling can also be a profitable activity. In this article, we will share a step-by-step guide on how to become a travel blogger. You will also learn how to earn on your blog with Travelpayouts, and we will also reveal other methods to get paid and answer the most frequent questions, such as how much money you need to become a travel blogger, how much you can earn on your travel blog, and more.
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Success Stories
13 min.
How to Make Money Writing Travel Content – The Story of JadeJackson.com.au
After traveling around the world at the age of 11, Jade Jackson dedicated his life to tourism, worked on a cruise ship, ran a travel agency, hosted a travel podcast, created tons of travel content, and launched a travel blog as well as several other websites. Jade shared his insightful blogging journey and revealed alternative ways to earn money by writing travel articles.
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Success Stories
10 min.
How to Grow a Travel Blog from Scratch to 1.5M Monthly Readers – The Story of TheBrokeBackpacker.com
The creator behind “The Broke Backpacker” blog shared his inspirational blogging journey of reaching 1.5 million readers per month on a single travel blog. Below, you’ll find the story and advice written in the first person.
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16 min.
25 Best Affiliate Programs to Earn Money Online
If you are looking for ways to make a profit from your website, affiliate marketing can be a great option. It allows you to earn a profit by posting links or placing other partner tools that lead to other online brand (such as Aviasales.com) and encouraging users to act in a certain way. For instance, to buy something, such as a flight ticket, or to complete a task — subscribe, create an account and so on.
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8 min.
The 19 best resources to learn SEO
You cannot avoid Search Engine Optimization (SEO) if you want to get good traffic from search engines. To make money with Travelpayouts or any other affiliate program, it is best to learn SEO and practice it. This is because to earn money, you need traffic. To make all the processes easier for you, we have collected the 19 best resources to learn SEO. Even if you already have knowledge or experience, it is still worth the read. In SEO, everything changes quite fast, and in 2022 you must constantly update your knowledge.
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7 min.
How to Earn Money on Flights and Hotel Bookings Without a Website
Having an established website is a proven way to make online income on flight and hotel bookings. However, for those who do not want the trouble of creating or maintaining a website, there are still numerous ways of making some cash online or even becoming another self-made Internet millionaire in the travel niche – even without a website. So, we’ve prepared a guide on how to net a profit on flight sales and hotel bookings without a website.
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