Posts with tag: Facebook (12 results )
7 min.
Marketer’s Guide to Facebook Analytics Tools
Facebook recently announced that it is retiring Facebook Analytics, which will no longer be available after June 30, 2021. What does it mean for marketers and what are the alternative tools they can use? To answer these and other questions, we’ve put together a Facebook analytics tutorial. So, read on to learn about alternative Facebook tools you can use to see post insights on Facebook and Instagram and gauge your performance on these platforms.
8 min.
Using Facebook ads to drive traffic to optimized articles
At TPAS2020, Alexa Meisler, a travel blogger with over 12 years of experience and founder of, shared first-hand tips on how to make your blog profitable using Facebook ads. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to create content worth promoting, compete against big bloggers, and set up Facebook ads that perform.
7 min.
Facebook Ads Tutorial 2020: How to Set up a Successful Campaign
Jason Hunt, owner and cofounder at Merged Media, shared some invaluable hints on how to create Facebook ads and target the right audience during his live session at TPAS2020. This Facebook ads tutorial for beginners and seasoned users will teach you how to follow the latest platform changes and create “set and forget” campaigns.
8 min.
How to Buy Traffic From Facebook, Instagram and Facebook Audience Network
In September 2018, we held the second annual Travelpayouts Affiliate Summit in Moscow. Ivan Semin, co-founder of the W-profit agency, shared his experience on how to buy ads on Facebook and its apps, and gave tips on how to set up advertising campaigns so as not to merge the budget for non-working options.
6 min.
How to Advertise a Travel Blog on Facebook
You’ve chosen your blog’s name and started posting stories; your only followers are your friends. Well, that’s okay – at first. However, you’ll need to expand. The web contains a bunch of articles about this, but here we’ll talk only about promoting your travel website on Facebook. The social network is a great source of traffic for your travel blog, as in 2019 it had more than 2 billion users.
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