Posts with tag: burnout (6 results )
6 min.
Beat the Burnout: Three Lessons From Successful Travel Bloggers

Have you sat down to write a blog post and just couldn’t? Perhaps you've felt—or are feeling—overwhelmed by the whole process and are considering giving up and returning to your 9-5 job. These are classic signs of burnout, a state that affects 68% of travel bloggers. You may be surprised to learn that even the best bloggers, while seemingly successful and happy, can also suffer from burnout. In our recent webinar, Shelley Marmor (, Jessie Festa (, and Matthew Kepnes ( shared their strategies for overcoming burnout and reigniting the joy of travel blogging.

This article summarizes the most important tips, but if you want to hear all their recommendations and wise words, watch the full webinar.

8 min.
From Chaos to Clarity: How Jessie Festa Stays Organized in Travel Blogging
Travel blogging can be an exhilarating yet demanding profession. Just ask Jessie Festa, the founder of Jessie on a Journey. In our recent How to Avoid Travel Blogging Burnout: Blogxiety Webinar, Jessie drew on her extensive experience to share three invaluable steps to staying organized as a travel blogger. Ready to tap into her insights? Let's explore these foundational steps together.
7 min.
Busting Travel Blogging Burnout: Pro Tips from Shelley Marmor
Shelley Marmor, the creator behind Travel Mexico Solo and five other successful blogs, including Travel Blogging 101, shared her tips for how to overcome blogxiety and how to start making money from your blog in our recent How to Avoid Travel Blogging Burnout: Blogxiety Webinar. Shelley grew her travel blog into a multi-six-figure business in just three years — which means she knows a thing or two about gaining success as a travel blogger while battling blogxiety. Let’s dive right into what Shelley shared with us during the webinar!
Overwhelmed? Don’t be! AI can handle research, SEO, and content creation