Webinar Q&A: “Why You Should Go Global With Localrent”

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  4  min.

August 20 we held a webinar “Why you should go global with Localrent” with Sergei Fisenko — CMO at Localrent. On this page, we have collected answers to all questions from the webinar. If you want to see the recording, please use this link.

Are you planning to work in the USA?

Answer: Not really. Because of the fact that we are mostly working in southern European countries, we are not planning to expand our presence in the US market.

What about Spain, France. You also have widgets there.

Answer: Localrent.com currently is not operating in Spain or France, we created widgets for these countries mostly for the SEO.

Hi, when you will add Spain to your service?

Answer: We are not quite sure when we will be able to add Spain to our system. The Spanish market is enormous and has its own difficulties. We are trying to find the local companies that are worth our time. Right now I cannot say the exact moment when we will start working on the Spanish market.

What is your most popular destination?

Answer: Hands down it’s Tbilisi, Georgia. Our most popular destinations for car rental services are:

  • Tbilisi
  • Budva
  • Tivat
  • Limassol
  • Heralkion
  • Burgas

Do you have support in English?

Answer: Yes. Our support team speaks English and some other languages.

What are the highest payouts for affiliates?

Answer: The highest payout for a single partner was about 20,000 euros (this is the earnings for just 1 month).

We already have direct access to more than 300 local car rental companies in Turkey. What can we do?

Answer: You should definitely contact us via this e-mail affiliates@localrent.com and we will see what can we do.

In which destinations car rentals are most popular in winter?

Answer: As I said, since we work mostly in Southern Europe we only have a few winter destinations. The most popular is Georgia because they have mountains out there and lots of ski resorts. And those ski resorts started getting more media coverage which led to an increased interest from the potential clients.

I’m thinking of starting a niche project. Which destination would you suggest among those where you work? Where do affiliates get higher profits?

Answer: Always start with a niche that you are familiar with, do not try to fit in our countries. Start from the place you know the best. Our commissions are quite the same across all cities that we work in, which is 20-25 euros per booking. So, once again just think about the content).

You said you distributed €250,000 in commissions to 1,500 affiliates. that breaks down to €166 per affiliate this whole year. How do you explain the gap with the €300 per affiliate per month ????? or €4,000 on average?

Answer: That’s right. But it is only right if all of our affiliates worked and earned some money. But out of 1,500, only about 800-900 affiliates are actively working with us. So yeah, on average, affiliates who do not abandon their websites make 300 euros per month during the high season.

In which countries people tend to spend more on car rentals?

Answer: People spend exactly the same amount of money on car rentals across all our cities. The range is between 220 euros to 290 euros. 80% of the clients book in this price range.

If I use your offer’s tools, will it always show your company’s logo?

Answer: No, not really. We do not have our logo on our White label widget. And on our smaller widgets, there is an option to hide our logo from it. So you absolutely do not have to show our logo.

I have a community on Facebook, how can I use your tools? Links only?

Answer: Mostly links, yeah. If you need banners you can contact me by this email affiliates@localrent.com and we will be happy to help you with the design.

What are the buyers’ personas for your offer? Do you analyze demographics? What is the breakdown of spending for your usual clients?

Answer: Yes, we do analyze every booking we receive. The target audience for the car rental services would be something like this: 60% of bookings are made by women, the average age is 32-35, price of the booking is 220-280 euros, people tend to hire a car in big cities.

What is your refund period for cancellations?

Answer: Depends on the county, type of a car and all other small nuances. Mostly 3-4 days prior to the pick-up date.

What are your usual conversions?

Answer: The average conversion rates are about 5-7%. Our best-converting affiliates have around 10-12%.

Do you also offer an API integration?

Answer: Yes, we do offer an API integration. You need to contact us and so that we could send you the ‘keys’ to the API.

Do you have any actives in GCC?

Answer: Not at the moment, no. We plan to add UAE in the foreseeable future.

Do you provide any assistance or consultations to new partners?

Answer: We sure do. We help with off-site and on-site SEO, share all the data, give lots and lots of insights, etc.

What shall the content be about to convert better? Any suggestions on the topics?

Answer: Almost the whole webinar was about how to convert better and it will take me hours to write it down, so you’d better watch it on YouTube via this link. 

Do you analyze how often your users buy additional services?

Answer: Yep. 30% actually add extra services.

Why can’t you customize the color of the widget?

Answer: Sorry about that, our white label widget is not yet customizable, I hope by the end of the year it will be.

When will you have more languages ​​on the site? Polish for example.

Answer: We’ve just added the English version now, but right now we have the technology that will help us to add other languages much faster. The next would be German and French and after that, we will see what other languages we need to add.

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