Q&A From the Webinar “Advanced Tools at Travelpayouts”

Alexandra Belski Alexandra Belski
Reading time:  2  min.

On June 2, we held a webinar “Advanced Tools at Travelpayouts” with Aleksey Yanchuk and Polina Oparina, product managers at Travelpayouts. On this page, we have collected answers to all questions from the webinar.

Can You Have a Clear Tutorial of Embedding the Flight Bookings / Aviasales to a Website?

Answer: Here is our White Label setup video tutorial.

The Mobile App – Can We Customize the Logo and Company Name?

Answer: the settings you customize for your White Label app only apply to the installed application. The description and images in the Apple Store are always the same for all affiliates.

I Can Not Get Rid of the British Pounds and Military Time. How Do You Get the USA and USD on Top Right as the Currency? It Does Not Change Even When You Select in Dashboard!

Answer: If you are experiencing any troubles, always write us at support@travelpayouts.com, we’ll take a look

Is It Possible to Exclude Some of the Otas From Your White Label? I Mean From Its Search Results.

Answer: It’s possible to exclude a couple of OTAs for compelling reasons upon request, but we do not recommend it as it might affect your conversion negatively.

Do You Have Any Car Rental White Labels?

Answer: Yes! We do have Localrent White Label.

Will White Label Be in English Even for .RU?

Answer: Yes, you can choose default language of your WL on the settings page: https://prnt.sc/ssz2tc

Can I Create a Search Form for Other Services, Not Only Flights and Hotels?

Answer: You can find search forms from other offers with this filter.

Can I Add a Custom Form So People Can Request My Services for Custom Travel Solutions?

Answer: You can only implement this independently on your side.

Do I need to join the booking.com partner programs or can I do it through your White Label? 

Answer: You need to apply for the Booking.com affiliate program within Travelpayouts, because Booking.com prices won’t be available on White Label due to Booking.com’s policy while working through the API and White Label.

Is There Any Proven Traffic Other Than Organic SEO and Google Adwords?

Answer: Sure, for example, mobile apps, YouTube traffic, doorways, cashback services.

I Bought a Template That Is Based on Elementor, but I’m More Fluent With Divi. Would It Make Sense to Convert to Divi?

Answer: Our tools work equally well in any WordPress theme Builder. So choose what you like best and it’s easier to use. Also, you can see the article about WordPress themes in our blog.

Can I Have Other Travel Agents That Work Under Me as Sub-Affiliates?

Answer: We do not prohibit affiliates from having their own sub-affiliates. But our personal account, as well as tools, do not have any additional opportunities to do so. Except for a sub id. You will need to find a technical solution by yourself.

Do You Have Any Video Tutorials?

Answer: We have video tutorials on our YouTube channel.

According to the App Store Policy, We Can’t Upload an App More Than Once on the App Store. The Ios App Framework You Provide When We Compile App Results in a Similar App, Which Is Like Every Other App Made by the Travelpayouts Affiliates. How Do We Get Approved?

Answer: The app must be original and the ticket search function must be as an additional feature, not the main function.

Also, to circumvent this restriction we recommend:

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