Earn More on Multi-City Trips With Nomad From Kiwi.com

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  < 1  min.

NOMAD from Kiwi.com is a revolutionary feature for multi-city trips. The powerful algorithm is based on a vast database of travel-related information, including both air and ground transport, which helps travelers visit multiple destinations at the lowest possible price. Offer your audience this unique feature and earn 3% of the cost of each flight ticket by joining the Kiwi.com affiliate program

What Is Nomad From Kiwi.com?

Multi-city trips have always been popular with travelers. To improve travel experience, the Kiwi.com team launched a new feature called NOMAD, which helps travelers see all the places they want while saving the most money.

Even though travelers visit the same destinations, trips generated with NOMAD from Kiwi.com may be as low as half the cost:


NOMAD is not only a way to visit multiple destinations for the lowest price, but it is also a tool that helps you plan amazing trips.

Popular Journeys

Find popular jouneys on the Kiwi.com website.

How to Earn on Nomad

In spite of the NOMAD feature effectively helping travelers save money, you can ultimately earn more. The more attractive your offer is to the audience, the higher the chance of a purchase, and, therefore, the higher your conversion rates.

Join the Kiwi affiliate program. In the Travelpayouts dashboard, you will find readymade banners and a convenient affiliate link generator.

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