Skyscanner Will No Longer Provide API and White Label Access

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  2  min.

November started with news about the cancellation of Google QPX Express API. Then Skyscanner joined the cancellation marathon and announced the end of access to API and White Label through its own affiliate network. This forces partners to join to continue their affiliation with Skyscanner.

What Is Happening?

Current partners working directly with the Skyscanner affiliate network received an email newsletter. The full text of the letter is available at the end of the article, below is the most important part:

Email from SkyScanner

This letter informed them that Skyscanner would no longer provide its existing White Label and API products. Until 31 January, transfer to Commission Junction (CJ) is obligatory for all partners. As compensation, webmasters are guaranteed acceptance to the CJ program.

Joining CJ requires working with SS through the services of an intermediary. The drawbacks are:

  • Migration contains seven steps and takes one week;
  • Less flexibility;
  • Limited number of tools;
  • Slow response to Skyscanner partners’ problems;
  • Bureaucracy problems for some partners;
  • No clear information about the future.

What to Do?

This situation seems worrying, but it gives you a great chance to try something new. You can learn more about the best flight affiliate programs.

[youtube v=”8IqRHkwgTdY”]

Travelpayouts works with partners directly, shares 60 to 70 percent commission (compared to 50 percent in the Skyscanner affiliate program) and offers API, White Label and 10 other tools. For partners, four types of API are available:

White Label and the other tools are available after signing up. Except flights you can make money on the hotels, there is also Hotels data API.  There are no requirements for joining. You can get more information in the Help Center, where you will find a wide knowledge base and can ask your own questions.

Full text of the letter from SkyScanner:

Full text

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