2 min.
Skyscanner Will No Longer Provide API and White Label Access
November started with news about the cancellation of Google QPX Express API. Then Skyscanner joined the cancellation marathon and announced the end of access to API and White Label through its own affiliate network. This forces partners to join CJ.com to continue their affiliation with Skyscanner.
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2 min.
Alternatives for Google Qpx Express API
At the beginning of November, Google announced changes in the policy of the QPX Express API. It will influence the small companies and webmaster that have used its airfare data. Alternatives will erase the effects of these changes and provide new opportunities.
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2 min.
New Travel Sdk for Ios Apps
Our mobile development department has finally released a new SDK for integration of mobile flights and hotel search into iOS apps. We have already announced about the new features in the release. Now let's talk about what we haven’t disclosed yet.
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2 min.
Travelpayouts WordPress Plugin New Beta (v 0.7)
We would like to present to you a new beta version of the plugin. The plugin will be released in the WordPress.org repository next week. We’ll be glad if you install the plugin and test it now. If there are any errors, we will try to fix them as much as possible by next week. Download the archive file containing the beta version.
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2 min.
New version of Travel SDK to be released soon
By the end of April the mobile development division plans to release new SDK for mobile search integration for flights and hotels into iOS applications. By the way, our SDK projects always occupy leading positions in terms of payout amounts.
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2 min.
Dohop White Label Alternative
The Dohop Flight Search affiliate system is no more, but you can easily find a replacement if you want. The Travelpayouts travel affiliate program is a great travel portal and a stellar Dohop Whilelabel replacement that will help you continue to generate a lot of revenue on the fly!
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