White Label and Widgets Update — Now Available in 59 Languages

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  2  min.

From the last year we have been working hard on improving the language versions of White Label and Widgets. Now we are proud to announce — tools are updated and are available in 59 languages. It would be impossible without the help of our partners who aim with enthusiasm for the same goal — provide the best travel services in every language. We are grateful for everyone who worked on this project with us in the past, and now we invite everybody to join, too. Updated White Label and Widgets are already available for use. There could still be some issues, let’s find them and fix together.


Available Languages

Tools are available in 59 languages:

Available languages

Such a large availability will be a great help for you in working around the world.

How to Use

On the main page of WL settings find «The main language and localisations»:

The main language and localisations

Choose the option «Select the languages» and in the opened window chose one which will be your main language.

Select the languages

Below you can add any amount of additional languages (even all of them), in case your WL project requires more than one localisation. In this case, your visitors will get a button to change the language of your website.

With widgets it’s even easier. Just find the «Language» option on the widget settings page and choose what you need. For example, output settings of the search forms:

Search form settings

Improving localized versions is our priority. Thanks to our affiliates and professional translators, we did a great job, but there is always room to improve. If you find any issue or have an idea how to improve the version on your language, please contact us.

While using the new language features, don’t miss the chance to make custom metatags for White Label’s pages. This feature is available for any language you chose, learn more here.

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