Itb Follow-Up: Travelpayouts FAQ

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  < 1  min.

On April 25th we held an ITB follow-up “Travelpayouts FAQ”. From the recording, you will learn more about your personal account, available offers and tools, and also learn how to start earning with Travelpayouts affiliate network.


  1. How my blog\resource\agency\company can monetize travel offers
  2. What should I start with
  3. Commission amount and how to withdraw money
  4. Q&A session


Q&A Session

Jim: How We Can Get API Access?

Jim, you can read more about API on the page

Glamtours: Hi Serge, What Companies Have White Label Within Travel Payouts?

Aviasales, Hotellook, Localrent, Kiwitaxi and some other offers in the network.

Aeronautica: We Already Used It, Would It Expire Tomorrow?

If you’ve used it, it’s valid for you during 3 months.

Jim: We Did Not Use the Code… What Does the Code Give?

Jim, send a request to our support team — and mention this promo code and your affiliate ID. We’ll increase your commission manually.

Glamtours: Do You Have Viator? What’s the Commission Rate?

Yes we have Viator, the reward is 4% commission on sales.

Jim:  where can I send questions later? or directly to Serge –

Jim: Do You Provide Consultancy for the Small Projects Too?

Yes, you can send a request for a consultation to Serge –

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