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How to create, promote, and sell digital products

How to create, promote, and sell digital products

How to create, promote, and sell digital products

Imagine waking up to the sound of your phone buzzing – not with social media notifications, but with sales from your latest ebook. Exciting, right? Digital products let you turn your travel smarts into a steady stream of income, all without the hassle of inventory and shipping.

If you’re a blogger looking to add digital products to your toolbox, you’re in the right place. This article covers everything you need to know, from brainstorming the perfect product idea to creating digital products and promoting your product offering online.

What is a digital product?

Digital products are non-physical assets that can be sold online. Unlike traditional products, they don’t require inventory, shipping, or physical storage, making them highly scalable and cost-effective.

Digital products include ebooks and audiobooks, online courses, personalized itineraries, printable travel journals, and other formats.

The Blonde Abroad is famous for her photography, and sells Lightroom presets

For some inspiration, let’s take a quick look at some examples of creators out there killing it with their digital products: 

What advantages do digital products have for travel bloggers?

Digital products:

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How to create a digital product

Ready to turn your travel expertise into a money-making machine? Remember, even the longest journey starts with a single click. So, let’s dive in, starting with how to make digital products. 

Choosing which product to offer

Would you bring soup on a road trip? Would you bring stinky cheese to a potluck? Would you try to sell guides to Greenland to an audience that’s interested in Ibiza? When choosing a digital product, think above all about what your audience will enjoy and find useful. Conduct surveys or polls to understand what they’re looking for. For instance, if your readers are interested in cheap travel, consider creating ebooks or guides that offer detailed budget itineraries.

Think about:

Identify your strengths and create products around them, like this presets pack created by photographer Alexandre Kan

For example, if you’re a travel photographer with a knack for capturing breathtaking landscapes, an online course on travel photography could be your golden ticket. But if you don’t have the time to create a course from scratch, you can opt to sell photography presets for Lightroom that you already use and love.

Want some more ideas? There’s an article for that 👇

The creation process

Creating digital products involves several key steps:

  1. Plan your product: For example, create an outline of your product for an ebook and list chapters and key points. For an online course, outline modules and lessons. This ensures you’ll cover all necessary information in a structured way.
  2. Create the content: Start writing, recording, or designing your product. Use the best tools and software your budget allows. For ebooks, tools like Scrivener or Google Docs are helpful. For online courses, consider platforms like Thinkific or Udemy.
  3. Edit and proofread: Ensure your content is error-free and polished. Consider hiring a professional editor for ebooks or a video editor for online courses.
  4. Design professional graphics: Attractive covers and graphics can enhance your product’s appeal. Use tools like Canva or hire a graphic designer to create professional-looking visuals.

Wondering how to create digital products with specific tools and services? Check out our article 👇

Practical tips for creating quality products

Creating digital products can be a rewarding process if done right. Here are some practical tips to make sure your work shines:

How to market digital products

To make money from your digital products, focus on engaging your target audience and building trust. Here are some proven strategies to help you succeed.

Use social media marketing

Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your products, share user-generated content, and engage with your audience.

For example, you can share high-quality images and stories on Instagram using the Shopping features and influencer collaborations. 

Optimize your website for SEO

Optimize your content for search engines to improve your site’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.

Leverage email marketing

Build an email list and use it to keep your audience informed about new products, special offers, and valuable content.

This just scratches the surface of what you can do to market your digital products. More info about marketing here 👇

Selling your digital product

You’ve put in a lot of work, but how do you actually sell your digital product online? Let’s make sure your masterpiece doesn’t just gather digital dust. Here’s how to get it in front of the right audience and start making those sales. 

Choosing the best platform

The best way to sell digital downloads depends on your needs. Here are a few things you should take into account:

Find the best platforms for your digital products 👇

Pricing strategies

Pricing your digital products can feel like walking a tightrope – you don’t want to undervalue your work, but you want to attract buyers. Here are some tips to help get it right:

Tracking and analyzing performance 

Now, the hard part: do you know what is and isn’t working? You need to keep an eye on your data so you know whether people are buying your digital products and what’s hitting the mark. 

Start with the built-in analytics tools your selling platform offers. For example, Gumroad provides detailed insights into sales, customer behavior, and revenue trends, letting you see what’s flying off the virtual shelves.

Integrating Google Analytics into your website can give you even deeper insights into where your traffic is coming from, how users are behaving, and what the effect is on your conversion rates.

Qualitative data is important, too. Use surveys, reviews, and direct feedback to determine what your customers love and what needs improvement. 

Is it worth creating and selling digital products?

Don’t take our word for it. Let’s see what other creators have to say about creating digital products:

Sarah Chant, New Zeland Travel Tips, Building Better Groups, Global Travel Tips

“I sell travel guides for New Zealand (and now courses about Facebook groups and monetization). They’re all listed on my website, but most of my sales come through my Facebook Groups.

I don’t have a fancy sales funnel (though I probably should), so I just introduce my email list (in one email) to what we offer regarding downloads. As I say, though, most sales come through our groups.

I just checked, and we sold just over $20k in the last year. It was well and truly worth the time I put into them (though also nowhere near our most profitable action), plus you’ll likely increase affiliate sales.”

Mince Solahudin:

“They will buy an experience, a personal, unique route/itinerary, the best savings recommendation, a quicker route to a destination, affordable restaurants, entertainment, and accommodation – something that Google does not offer. Most loyal buyers have followed the story via blog or have already built trust with the author.”

Cristina, Honest Travel Stories:

“I have two guides that I sell mainly through my blog and a bit on Etsy (Etsy is shamelessly ignored, though I haven’t done anything in a year or more).

They sell – not amazingly, as I don’t do a great job promoting them and mostly rely on automation. For the work that I’ve done, I think the ROI is okay.

But their lifetime value is higher, as I have affiliate links for them, and they convert. So even if I don’t price them very high, the value I get is decent.”

Leap digital products

Creating digital products helps you turn your travel passion into a goldmine. Explore the many possibilities they offer, and to get even more bucks for your effort, join Travelpayouts. Adding affiliate links to your products can earn extra cash while helping your audience discover great travel deals. 

Travelpayouts even has a Chrome extension that lets you add partner links to your posts right from your browser – streamlined to the gills! Find out more about how this tool can make your affiliate marketing easier and more profitable in this article.

Happy creating <3 

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