Easy Tricks for Writing Catchy Titles and Headlines

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  5  min.

It doesn’t matter how high the quality of your content is if readers don’t open the page. That’s why you have to care not only about the quality of the content but also about your titles. It’s especially important if your target audience comes from search engines. These people choose what page to open and what to skip based on the titles. On this page, you’ll learn how to come up with great catchy titles and find the best methods for creating catchy titles and headlines.

Headlines Must Be Objective

The goal of your article’s title is to make the reader understand the information is waiting for him in the article. Another aim is to “sell” a click on this title. In other words, the title should make you want to click on it.

The main requirement is to grab the user’s attention and motivate him to click on the title to read your post. Remember, it doesn’t matter how interesting or useful your material is if nobody reads it.

That’s why the number of people who see the title and then click on it is taken into account when monitoring title efficiency.

Why Get Serious About Article Titles?

Many copywriters, authors, and journalists face the issue of finding the best name for their material. Lots of them pay attention to the text but put off the title until the last minute.

Let’s consider some examples.

Suppose we have a page with tips on how to save on flight tickets with an embedded Aviasales form. Compare these two titles for the page:

  • How to Save on Flight Tickets
  • Seven Ways to Save $100+ on Flight Tickets Wherever You Want to Fly

Suppose we have a page where we offer tickets for the Sagrada Familia. Here we can collect some titles:

  1. Tickets for Sagrada Familia
  2. Skip the Line and Save $10 on Tickets for Sagrada Familia

Which titles would you click on? Practice has shown that the majority of people choose the title that solves their problem in the best way, and from the second option in both our examples, the audience feels that they will save money and time. However, you are free to experiment to reveal the best variants for your audience and your traffic. Sometimes, short and informative titles work better.

What Is a Catchy and Relevant Title?

The list below relates to the websites only. In advertising, traffic arbitrage and other methods are used in titles creation. That’s why you should apply and try these tips for online content on.

  1. Be informative. The user should be able to understand the material when reading your post. For example, if he will learn about the top 10 mobile apps for traveling, inform him about this in the title. People typically search for solutions. Let them see this solution in the title.
    Also, don’t write that he will find free apps on your page if all apps are paid ones.
  2.  Be relevant. Certainly, you can attract readers’ attention with a title from the tabloids, such as “Why Donald Trump Doesn’t Fly on Planes Anymore.” Okay, you can sell the click, but when the user doesn’t find out the information promised in the title, he’ll leave. Then the search engines make the conclusion that your article is not related to its title.
    This will make your bounce rate worse, and with such titles, even our article about how to improve your bounce rate won’t help you.
  3. Be actual. When the user looks for answers and solutions, he often checks the date of publication. If the search query is “Best destination for Christmas,” the relevance is important. A publication dated 2011 could hardly meet the needs of a person going abroad in winter 2018/2019. Reflect the date it in the title.
  4. Include Keywords. Let’s not forget about the search query for your article’s promotion. You won’t get traffic if you neglect the keywords and know nothing about search queries. Aim to use keywords as much as possible, and try to place the key phrase for SEO-promotion at the beginning of the title. You can learn more about search queries and how to choose the best one in this article.
  5. Be intriguing. This tip has come from internet content from contemporary journalism. The user should not only learn the context of the article from the title but also feel Some examples of intriguing titles are “Delta: Why is the Largest Airline in USA Going Bankrupt?” and “Three Phrases to Save Your Life in Egypt.” Of course, the title should be relevant to the content, but you can play with the readers’ imagination and try to intrigue them.
  6. Include numbers and facts. The Saturday Marketing Agency’s research revealed the increasing of titles’ CTR (clickability) is due to the numbers and facts.

These six rules will allow you to create a good title in terms of its promotion. However, the creation of good title is not limited by those points. Keep in mind these tips:

  • Be clear.
  • Keep it short and simple.
  • Don’t afraid to use questions.
  • Appeal to your reader’s hunger for knowledge.
  • Always analyze your titles and change them to find the best option.

Test the diverse variants on your target audience to understand what works best. Do not forget to focus on not only the new titles but the old ones as well in case they don’t fit the rules and techniques you’ve discovered.

Get more inspiration and knowledge from the following video:

[youtube v=”N0qtQe6F76Q”]

What Kinds of Titles Catch the Audience’s Attention?

Recommendations without examples wouldn’t be complete, so let’s illustrate them with some patterns that should be efficient:

  1. The Proven Way to Get a Schengen Visa in 2019
  2. Australia: How to Fill in a Migration Card Correctly
  3. Seven Secrets of Living in Thailand for $1,000 for the Whole Winter
  4. A Working Method to Buy Cheap Insurance for Traveling
  5. Pack Your luggage like a Pro: Ten Tips from a Frequent Flyer

Look at our examples and find your own algorithm to create titles for your website. In this case, the question “How to choose the title for an article?” won’t disturb you anymore.

Note that the title is inseparable from the article, the text on the page should be in accordance with the reader’s expectations. To make it SEO-oriented, use your keywords in the text.

How to Create the Perfect Title for an Article

Until you try, you’ll never know for sure. However, we’ve mentioned one technique in the case of email marketing. It is the “checking the bar” technique. Imagine that you’ve entered a bar, restaurant, or café where your target audience is. Tell them your title loudly and clearly, and then go away.

Ask yourself how many people will step away from what they are doing, from their conversations and gadgets, to look at the title? How many people will “lay their eyes” on it in the search results? How many of them will leave their tables and follow you to learn the answers to their questions? How many people will click on the title? Here is the answer to your question about how catchy your title is.

You can use numbers, intrigue, capital letters or symbols in the context of facing the same challenges with regard to luring the person by solving his problem to make him click on the title.

Svo Technique

Another interesting technique is SVO: subject, verb, and object:

SVO technique

First, you need to name the subject, then the verb, and then the object. The SVO structure helps make a unique and short title. You can combine this method with our other tips — for example, adding numbers or intriguing the readers.

Test diverse variants. A versatile equation that works everywhere and always doesn’t exist. Your task is to use the title to grab the reader’s attention for your article. Also, give comprehensive responses to the readers’ questions.

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