Alternatives for the Trivago Affiliate Suite

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  2  min.

Trivago has announced that their hotel affiliate program will close down on March 31st this year. Which means affiliates from the USA, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and other countries across the world, will need to migrate to the new affiliate network. We have collected for you, here, the best alternatives for the Trivago Affiliate Suite, which don’t just replace the EAN services, but also surpasses them in some of the facilities they offer.

Alternatives for the Trivago Affiliate Suite

What Is Happening?

Trivago have proclaimed that March 31st will be the last day when affiliate traffic will be credited. By that date, partners must remove all affiliate materials from their websites and update billing information in their profiles. On the 1st of April, the program will be deactivated. You can get more information from the official letter:

Email from Trivago Affiliate Suite


You can turn this potentially unpleasant situation to your advantage through the Trivago Affiliate Suite alternatives. We have already written about the best hotel affiliate programs — one of which was Trivago. Now, for you, these are also available:

  • Trivago US
  • TripAdvisor;
  • And some others.

All these partner programs are available on the Travelpayouts partnership platform. To find the best option, remember the reasons why you chose the previous one! Most probably because of the wide set of tools and high-quality service offered to your visitors. Trivago isn’t a simple booking website, it’s a service that allows users to find the lowest price by comparing offers on the different services.

Thanks to Travelpayouts you and your readers won’t have to lose such great features. You can continue to earn up to 9% on each booking with out partner programs. Join Travelpayouts today, and get, in your personal account, access to the different affiliate tools:

  • Text Links;
  • White Label;
  • Hotels Map;
  • Hotel Widget;
  • Hotel Selections Widget;
  • WordPress Plugin;
  • Landings.

API and mobile app are also available. You can even build up your own app base on Travel SDK. A wide set of tools guarantees that anyone, from travel bloggers to mobile application developers, will find one convenient for themselves. At Travelpayouts, we never tire of improving our services, so any ideas are welcome! Write to us with your suggestions.

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