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2 min.
Where Women in Travel Shine: Highlights From WITS 2024
This spring, Salt Lake City wasn't just about the weather changing. It turned into the hottest spot for some of the coolest, most inspiring women in travel at the Women in Travel Summit (WITS) 2024. Travelpayouts was there, front and center, soaking up all that awesome energy, high-fiving travel creators from around the world for their incredible feats, and proudly sponsoring the Creator of the Year nomination at the Bessie Awards.
Success Stories
5 min.
It’s All About Niches: Lora Pope Shares How to Turn Your Love for a City Into a Profitable Blog
Embark on an exciting journey into the world of niche travel blogging. Lora, the creator behind Explore with Lora and Take Me to Puerto Vallarta, initially began blogging to share wanderlust-fueled adventures. However, after falling in love with a coastal Mexican city, she switched to strategic niche blogging, using SEO tactics and adept affiliate marketing to skyrocket her into a successful blogging career. Read Lora’s account of the transformative power of niche blogging and gain insight into how she went from working a job she hated to creating and traveling full-time.
Success Stories
5 min.
Jackie of Jou Jou Travels Reveals Secrets to 5-Figure Blogging Income
Meet Jackie, the creator, owner, and writer of Jou Jou Travels, as well as a Travelpayouts partner. She’s sharing her unique blogging journey, including how she went from being a full-time digital analyst at big-name companies to making five figures as a travel blogger. Learn the techniques she used to propel her blog, supplement her income, and become a successful travel affiliate.
Success Stories
6 min.
Beyond Competition: Maria’s Unique Path in Crafting the Always Pack Tissues Blog
Maria DiCicco, the creator, owner, and writer of the Always Pack Tissues blog, as well as a Travelpayouts partner and ambassador, shared with us the story of how she began her blogging journey, her insights on measuring a blogger's success, and practical tips for working with the Viator partner program.
Travel blogging
7 min.
Tips for Achieving and Measuring Success as a New Travel Blogger
Maria DiCicco, the owner and writer of Always Pack Tissues travel blog, gives tips on achieving and measuring success when you first start out as a travel blogger.
Google algorithm updates! What’s the best strategy NOW? We’ve got answers