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11 min.
Why Your Website Still Doesn’t Rank Higher on Google
Google continues to hold a leading position among all search engines in the world — almost 92% as of April 2020, that’s why it is important to rank on Google. To show up on the first page of search engine results, webmasters need to improve their website performance according to various factors. In this post, we’ll discuss the most important success factors that’ll help you rank high on Google.
5 min.
Webinar Q&A: “Q1-Q2 2020: What We Did in the Shadows”
On July 16, we hosted the webinar “Q1-Q2 2020: What we did in the shadows” with Liza Rudykh, Head of Marketing, and Tatiana Buyanova, Head of Business Development at Travelpayouts. On this page, we have collected answers to all questions from the webinar.
About Us
8 min.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Travelpayouts
The superheroes on our support team aren’t afraid to respond to even the most challenging questions, however it’s a thousand pities if affiliates do not send any questions. We compiled some awkward questions from reviews and mentions of Travelpayouts on the Internet, which we answered in this article.
< 1 min.
The Final Results From the “Who Wants to Be an Affilionaire” Game
The "Who Wants to Be an Affilionaire" game is over and it’s a time to announce the winners. The ten best players get a prize – $50 on their Travelpayouts account. As the 11th player showed the same time as the 10th player, we decided to award him as well. Our team would like to thank all participants for their great work and wish all affiliates high income in the promising future.
Google algorithm updates! What’s the best strategy NOW? We’ve got answers