New White Label Is Here

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  < 1  min.

Finally, we are more than happy to introduce our new White Label, it’s available in your Travelpayouts account. In case you’ve never used our WL or don’t know how to set it up — take a look at our help article here.  If you already have a White Label, —  we strongly recommend to convert it to the new version.

What’s new in White Label?

We have launched the new version of White Label with adaptive layout, luggage display, multi-city search and other features. According to our tests, conversion has increased 7% against the previous version.

How to Switch to the New Version?

  1. Click Preview in settings to see the way your current White Label will look like in the new version.
  2. Change the settings and White Label code, if needed.
  3. After customization click Convert button to convert your current White Label. Change cannot be undone.

On November 1, we will automatically switch all White Label to the new version.

Try our new White Label!
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